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The Coaching Wheel

Tam Young • December 14, 2021

When was the last time you took a step back and evaluated how content you are with life?

Often, when problems present themselves they do so in certain areas of our life. 

Perhaps you are struggling in your career, health, or finances. 

Whatever the challenges are, they can build slowly, knocking you off balance and having a profound impact on your well-being. Taking a moment to pull back and look at your life as a whole can help you identify which areas need attention to bring you back into balance. 

This is what the wheel of life tool is used for.

What is a coaching wheel?

This is a tool used by career and personal development coaches that allows people to check in on their life and their current goals.

The coaching wheel or wheel of life is an invaluable tool used to create awareness about areas in your life that might not be as great as you would like them to be i.e. is areas you want to work on and be coached in. The concept of the wheel of life was created by industry pioneer the late Paul J. Meyer who founded the Success Motivation Institute in 1960 to help people realize their goals. 

The main aim of the wheel is transformation of one's life.

Career Coaching and The Coaching Wheel

Career coaches use the wheel to help individuals determine where they want to get to, they also use it to help individuals understand what their current state or situation looks like. Understanding where you are now vs where you want to be. 

The wheel of life resembles the spokes of a wheel and is used to present and organize the most important aspects of your life such as family and home life, health, wealth, well being, career, finance and anything that is important in your life.

It is used by asking clients to talk about each of the areas in the wheel. The coach assess how satisfied they feel with that part of their life. The client then allocates a score to that area between 1 -10. A full assessment is done, the wheel becomes a visual summary of how satisfied the individual feels across the range of categories it covers. The results are used as a decision making tool.

Variations of The Coaching Wheel

There are different types of coaching wheels in existence. They all have different names like; wheel of work, wheel of performance, wheel of business etc.

The wheel of life consists of 8-10 categories and may vary depending on your needs. 

How to Create and Use Your Own Wheel of Life

To create and use the wheel of life, follow these steps:

  1. Look at the example/ Draw a circle as if the circle were apple pie. Draw four lines to cut the pie into eight pieces. 
  2. Create a wheel using the categories you chose (from the 8 categories to fit your life).
  3. Write each label around the outer edge of the wheel
  4. Then you rate your current level of satisfaction for each area on a scale of 1-10. With 10 being the highest. 
  5. Connect the dots.
  6. Compare the results to your ideal levels
  7. Assess any gaps that exist between your current and ideal life balance. 
  8. Take steps to address the areas you will like to improve.
  9. Take action.

Ways You Can Use The Coaching Wheel

Audit Your Life

Life audit is a self-reflection exercise you do to help you clear off the cobwebs on your goals. It can help you identify where you are at currently in your life and empower you to push forward to achieve your dreams.

Set Goals

When you work through every section of the wheel you will be able to dig deeper to different areas of your life and better understand your current path. You are then able to use it as a launch pad to set meaningful and clear goals to help propel you into the future.

Life Balance

The wheel can be used to discover which areas of your life are working well and which categories require more effort. In this way, it can help you discover the right life balance.

Coaching Session

During a coaching session a life coach can help you bridge the gap between where the client is currently and where they would like to be. Career coaches use various tools and techniques to including the wheel of life. They use it to empower their clients to fulfil their potential and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Core Values

When you take time to self-reflect on where you are at currently and where you would like to be you give yourself the chance to step back and look a little deeper at what is important to you. The wheel of life is a powerful tool to see where your priorities and values truly lie.

The wheel of life can be used by career coaches in sessions to:

  • Build trust between client and coach to share personal issues
  • Understand problems ongoing/temporary issues and sources of stress.
  • Review goals the client has set over the short/long term and ask if they enhance overall life satisfaction.
  • Perform a check in during /outside of a session to understand the current position.
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